Entertainment crap

Movies, music, telly and anything else that might be deemed entertaining (possibly Tasers)

Hot buns provoke God squad

You know you’ve really made it in the world of rock when you piss off the God botherers. The Foo Fighters are trekking around the United States at the moment as part of their ginormous tour that will see them end up in Auckland in December. To promote their tour, the boys in the band […]

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The missing link

Wondering where all the book reviews have gone? They now have their very own home at Books By George. I’ll be tweaking the site over the next few weeks but don’t let that put you off. Oh, and I’m thinking I might just give this site a wee makeover some time soon. Should the monkeys

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Do You Wanna … what?

I’m not a great fan of Glee I figure, which shouldn’t come as any great surprise since I’m probably 30 years too old to be in the show’s target audience range. So for that reason, I won’t offer any sort of critique of the TV programme in general because I have watched just two episodes since it hit

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John Lennon

Where has the time gone

I remember so vividly hearing the news that John Lennon had been murdered that I almost can’t get my head around the fact that it’s been 30 years. He wrote one of my two all-time favourite songs (Beautiful Boy). A few years back, one of the younger members of our staff commented that his death

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Interview goes West

Not content with making something of a dick of himself at last year’s VMAs, Kanye West has polished up his King of the Arrogant Morons crown in time for an interview on the Today show. He was on the show to respond to George Bush’s claim that West calling him a racist was the worst

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Leonard Cohen

Updated: Just magic

I’d have posted this sooner but we didn’t get back to the hotel until late … and we’re no spring chickens now, are we? Anyway, Leonard Cohen. What can I say except brilliant. The concert was amazing, his voice, his band, his words and his pure  joy at doing what he does so well made

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