Warm fuzzies

Cutsie animal photos and other fluffy stuff

A prickly superstar

A pair of Germany-based hedgies have been wowing the interwebs with their antics and travels, and one of them is fast becoming what has been dubbed a “petfluencer”. Herbee, aka “the world’s happiest hedgehog” is jetsetting his way around the globe, posing up a storm to show his Instagram fans his travelogue. is making a

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That personal touch

Now for something completely different. And pretty cool to boot: a wedding. If you haven’t yet seen the viral video of Father Ray Kelly’s surprise, personalised rendition of Hallelujah at the wedding of Chris and Leah, you’re in for a treat. While you might expect it to be a bit corny, it’s anything but. And

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Walk on the Wild Side

 The BBC’s Walk On The Wild Side videos are hilarious. According to the YouTube page, the show is a world of hip hop-loving badgers, dieting pandas and a marmot called Alan. I wonder if we’ll ever get this series on our TV screens here? Oh well, I suppose our public broadcasters are too busy

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