Where has the time gone

I remember so vividly hearing the news that John Lennon had been murdered that I almost can’t get my head around the fact that it’s been 30 years.

He wrote one of my two all-time favourite songs (Beautiful Boy).

A few years back, one of the younger members of our staff commented that his death must have been quite a big deal, “almost as big as Kurt Cobain dying.”

Hmmm, yes, I put her right. Cobain was a big deal for his generation, sure. But Lennon (like Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson) were much more than the sound of a generation: whether you were a fan or not, there’s no denying they still have a huge influence on music today.

More to the point, I miss John Lennon. He gave us amazing music and  incredible words during his far too short time … imagine what we missed out on.

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