Newsy crap

Plucked from the headlines, online and in print

Winner winner chicken dinner

It’s easy to dismiss the lifestyles of celebrity offspring as nothing more than nepo babies showing off their wealth and privilege. And it’s true that some of them really are just overindulged wee brats. But sometimes it feels like the trolls just love to have a crack at anyone and everyone. Brooklyn Beckham has apparently

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They are catching up at last

United States head honcho Joe Biden signed legislation making gay marriage legal this week, which is as much a cause for celebration as for sadness. It’s great that this has finally happened. But sad that it has taken so long. If you’ve been on social media at all this week, you’ve probably seen posts about

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The NZ Herald has a great wee story about all the awesome vintage treats on offer in my little corner of the world. Those of us who live in the deep south of Godzone already know how great the place is, but it’s good to see the word spreading! (Not too much though, we don’t

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NZ currency

Kiwibank backtracks on brothel ban

Judgy old Kiwibank has rethought its stance on who will be allowed to use its banking services after a bit of backlash over the responsible banking policy it published this week. The policy excludes a bunch of undesirables that cause harm to the world: drug dealers,  loan sharks, and businesses involved with military-grade weapons, to

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Let ‘er rip

It’s a weird old world we live in right now as global movement has ground to a halt in an attempt to slow the progress of Covid. This means no crowds at the sporting events that have gone ahead, resulting in the cameras (and microphones) being far more sensitive to things that would normally have

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A shitty act of revenge

I don’t watch any of those Married At First Sight/Love Island/Random People Trying to Shag Other Random People on Reality TV shows, but it has become just about impossible to avoid them. Sadly, our news websites have decided trashy TV qualifies as news, so they all have this shite peppered throughout their sites. And you

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