My latest rant

Sometimes I just need to rant. Be afraid, you are my captive audience.

It’s official: China sucks

The news a few days ago that a Chinese woman had been sentenced to a year in a hard labour camp for retweeting something the Chinese government didn’t like should make those of us fortunate enough to live in countries like New Zealand incredibly thankful for the freedoms we enjoy every day. We moan about […]

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Reasons to Taser the PC brigade # 100

I suspect the world really has gone mad. According to the Shropshire Star, gingerbread men have been renamed gingerbread persons by Lancashire council bosses in their latest menus for the area’s primary school meals. I’m pleased to say the locals haven’t let the politically correct nutters have their way and that the gender specific gingerbread

Reasons to Taser the PC brigade # 100 Read Post »

Is another 16 years enough?

I see the lovely George Baker was in court today (again) facing a whole raft of charges:  attempted kidnapping, kidnapping, threatening to kill and assault with an offensive weapon in fact. Just in case the name doesn’t ring a bell, this is the scum-sucking piece of shite who bashed teenager Liam Ashley to death in the back

Is another 16 years enough? Read Post »

Angry woman

And still no contact …

I submitted a ticket with support at my old hosting company this morning to ask if they could tell me what their Time To Live was set at because my old, somewhat buggered site kept popping up when typing in my domain name. Got the usual automated “we got your message, we’ll get back to you”

And still no contact … Read Post »

Safety behind Windows

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) I hope you’re all fit and well after Microsoft’s big security fix on Tuesday. According to reports it was the company’s biggest-ever fix, with a whopping 16 patches addressing 49 problems in its products. Yes, I can hear the anti-Microsoft brigade out there doing the

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I’m still here …

Just goes to show that you never know what’s around the corner. For the past eight or so years I’ve used the same hosting company with just a few minor glitches along the way. In fact I’ve recommended the company to anyone I’ve known was looking for a home for their website. Sadly, that is no

I’m still here … Read Post »

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