My latest rant

Sometimes I just need to rant. Be afraid, you are my captive audience.

Fake Louis Vuitton bags

Dear Cheap Designer Bags …

please feck off. I don’t know why but I’ve suddenly been inundated by spam comments from (the not linking was on purpose, I really don’t want anyone going to their site because they are hairy arsed pirates of the interweb, however if you’re looking for someone to sign up for gay porn sites or […]

Dear Cheap Designer Bags … Read Post »

China continues to suck

It’s not that I’m picking on China. Really, I’m not. Can I help it if China’s powers that be provide a constant stream of evidence of suckiness in all areas of human rights, personal and political freedoms and general respect for others? The latest example of suckiness is China’s reaction to the Nobel Peace Prize

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What century is this?

It’s almost unbelievable that in this day and age, bigots who hide behind their own interpretation of Christianity still exist. The owners of a guesthouse in Cornwall, who say they are Christians but certainly don’t act like it, refused to allow a gay couple to share a double bed because to do so would have been

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Turn left at the next tank

I was a bit disappointed with the look of the satellite mapping system China has launched to rival Google Maps (see how I kept my nearly uncontrollable giggling and snorts of derision from taking over there). Google and China haven’t been the best of friends since last year’s hack attack that originated from China. Google

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Reborns? They creep me out

I realise those “Baby Reborn” doll thingamajigs are insanely popular with some people but for the life of me, I can’t work out why. Sure, I’d understand if it was little girls wanting them to play with but it’s not little girls, it’s big girls. Adult women are spending a fortune on these things and

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Is it really discrimination?

UPDATE: The latest on this story is that the casting agent has now been sacked. Apparently the light-skinned option was the choice of the casting agent, an independent contractor, not the producers. Oh well, I still say having a whinge about not getting a particular role because you don’t have the right look is ridiculous.

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I vote they grow up

It should have come as no surprise to Pete and Alisha Arnold that their website would stir up a lot of debate, I only hope it’s one of those controversial sites that ends up being a hoax. The couple, from Minneapolis, have launched their website to give the world the chance to vote on

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