Is another 16 years enough?

I see the lovely George Baker was in court today (again) facing a whole raft of charges:  attempted kidnapping, kidnapping, threatening to kill and assault with an offensive weapon in fact.

Just in case the name doesn’t ring a bell, this is the scum-sucking piece of shite who bashed teenager Liam Ashley to death in the back of a prison van in 2006.

Anyway, in today’s little court appearance this fine, upstanding citizen threatened to “take out” one of Liam’s friends who was in the public gallery before being  sentenced to preventive detention by Justice Courtney, who then said he could not apply for parole for at least 16 years.

Wait … what? Parole? You mean in just 16 years this (I’m really struggling to find the right word here, he’s certainly not a man, not really human, worse than the average garden variety violent criminal) “waste of oxygen” could be back walking the streets?

Society will never be safe so long as people like him, Graeme Burton and Liam Reid (aka Julian Edgecombe) are around and the thought of any of them getting parole is sickening.

I’m not in favour of the death penalty but am certainly in favour of appropriate sentencing. Take a life? Then give up the rest of your life, spend it in jail where society is protected from your inadequacies.

Sixteen years doesn’t even begin to make up for the misery he’s caused.

We know we can never trust a dog that has turned on humans, why do we think the likes of Baker, Burton and Reid are any different?


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