My latest rant

Sometimes I just need to rant. Be afraid, you are my captive audience.

Shock, horror: Wrinkle alert!

I make no secret of the fact that I am no fan of any of the Kardashians (famous for fuck all apart from dodgy marriages and, well, actually that’s about it). But I really think it’s scraping the bottom of the barrel to be banging on about Bruce Jenner’s puckered jawline being a combination of […]

Shock, horror: Wrinkle alert! Read Post »

Birthday party bitching

When I was a kid (admittedly that was many, many, many years ago) we had birthday parties only for significant years. Turning 5, and so beginning our school career; birthdays ending in a zero; the 13th marking official teenager-hood; a maybe a 20th or 21st to get trolleyed with your mates.  Now, it seems there’s

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One for the haters

The sad death of Charlotte Dawson at the weekend has reignited the whole debate over online assholes being, well, assholes. Not that it’s much of a debate: “if you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, then keep your trap shut” is probably a good code to live by. Unfortunately, there are plenty of trolls out

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Customer service? Pfffft

It’s nearly the end of the year, so it must be time for me to have another rant: this time it’s about a large, well-known cafe at a local department store. Nick and I went there the other day for lunch. We looked at the specials sign outside the door and decided the menu looked

Customer service? Pfffft Read Post »

Good ad for birth control

We went out for dinner to the Cabbage Tree last night. It could have been a nice evening but it was buggered up by a clutch of screeching brats who were running around as their indulgent parents looked on. Why is it these people think the rest of the world is as delighted by the

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Milkshakes a dying breed?

Why is it so hard to find a half-way decent milkshake in good old Invercargill? Once in a blue moon, I have a hankering for a good, old-fashioned milk shake and it’s always the same old thing I want: caramel or jaffa with ice cream. Bell’s used to be the place to go but not

Milkshakes a dying breed? Read Post »

Baby being bottle fed

What a bunch of boobs

Opinions are a lot like arseholes: everyone has one and most of them are full of shit. Right now, it seems every man and his dog has an opinion on breastfeeding and they are keen to share those opinions. Mothers opt to bottle feed for many reasons: sometimes they are unable to breastfeed no matter

What a bunch of boobs Read Post »

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