Online column

A weekly tech column written for The Southland Times, a company that pays well enough to keep me in handbags and Drambuie

Plonking: my kind of craze

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) It’s hard to keep up with all the latest fads being adopted by all those crazy kids out there but I think I’ll pass on the planking and go straight to the plonking. “Plonking” I hear you say … ”what’s that?” Well, I’m glad you […]

Plonking: my kind of craze Read Post »

Are people tiring of Facebook?

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) Has Facebook peaked? Has the bubble burst? Will it still be part of our lives a decade from now. I’m sure these burning questions are  on everyone’s lips after the Inside Facebook report this week that shows as Facebook gets close to having 700 million

Are people tiring of Facebook? Read Post »

iThis and iThat fatigue

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times)   Apple guru and single-handed supporter of the black turtleneck jersey industry Steve Jobs has announced the latest iDevelopment and it’s got the geek world abuzz. It’s that mid-winter “feels like geek Christmas” time of the year again when Apple holds court at its Apple

iThis and iThat fatigue Read Post »

Time for crooks to show manners

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) I know the disgruntled gloom merchants out there reckon we’re all packed into a handbasket and heading for that rather warm place where the maitre d’ has horns and a pitchfork, but until recently I’ve thought their predictions were a tad negative. However, lately I’ve

Time for crooks to show manners Read Post »

One wedding and a funeral

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) It’s been a busy old week or two on the interwebs, with the royal wedding popping up at every turn to fill in the gaps between the fake “Osama’s dead” and fake “renew your bank password” emails. And there I was, naively expecting things to

One wedding and a funeral Read Post »

iPad 2 lacks some handy features

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times)   Shopping for techno-goodies is always a fun pastime (nearly as fun as shopping for handbags) but I’m still undecided on whether or not an iPad will join my family of gadgets. There’s no denying the sleek little machines are sexy to the nth degree

iPad 2 lacks some handy features Read Post »

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