Online column

A weekly tech column written for The Southland Times, a company that pays well enough to keep me in handbags and Drambuie

Illegal downloads same as shoplifting

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) I’d like to take this opportunity to raise my hand and say I couldn’t care less about the ”controversial” copyright infringement bill that seems to have everyone else getting their  knickers in a knot. It’s been interesting-ish watching all the dramas online as all and sundry […]

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Straight jacket

Internuts: they’re out there

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) I love the internet. Yes, I know love is one of those incredibly overused words like munted (someone’s been complaining about it on the Trade Me message board so it must be true), seriously (Grey’s Anatomy, you have a lot to answer for), literally, hate

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Apple Logo feature

Apple’s timing is off

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) It’s always heartening to hear that the big guns have misfired. Apple has had another whoopsie with its sexy wee iPhones, with daylight savings time in the United States causing the latest hiccup. Instead of the one-hour ”spring forward” that should have happened, the phones

Apple’s timing is off Read Post »

Justin Bieber

New kid in hallowed company

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) I was temporarily filled with hope for the youth of today when I saw a report saying more than 75 per cent of their entertainment searches are for music. Sadly, that hope disappeared like a sock in a washing machine when I read further into

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Unending Explorer security woes

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) To further prove my point from a couple of weeks ago that yes, they really are out to get us and that my healthy level of paranoia is a good thing, Microsoft has announced another security hole in Internet Explorer. Now, I could be unkind

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