Newsy crap

Plucked from the headlines, online and in print

Dame Judi Dench

Appreciating a tough old bird

Oh dear. A youngster working as a paramedic managed to raise the ire of international acting treasure, Dame Judi Dench. It seems the teenager didn’t recognise the 83-year-old actress when treating her for a hornet sting, She told The Sun: “A paramedic walked into the room who was about 17 and said ‘What’s our name?’ […]

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Christmas gifts, Xmas presents

Great expectations

  It seems that the are of receiving a gift has been lost in recent years, as we hear more and more often about people making crazy and often unreasonable demands for gift expectations. There was a time, when a gift was something awesome, and often a surprise. As all good gifts should be. Note:

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Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan shows his lack of class, culture and clues

Spotify’s favourite cockwomble strikes again, this time having a crack at the haka specifically, but Māori culture in general. Joe Rogan (ex-TV host, professional conspiracy theorist, Covid denier and all-round irrelevant twat) took it upon himself to slam the New Zealand basketball team for performing a haka before a game. Apparently he thinks the haka is

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Gareth "Moggy" Morgan

Only one pig in this story …

Gareth “Cat Killer” Morgan is at it again, showing us all how to win friends and influence people. And yes, that was sarcasm on my part. Our favourite tanty-throwing political wannabe has had a crack at Jacinda Ardern, comparing her to “lipstick on a pig”. How much longer do we have to put up with

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