Joe Rogan shows his lack of class, culture and clues

Joe Rogan

Spotify’s favourite cockwomble strikes again, this time having a crack at the haka specifically, but Māori culture in general.

Joe Rogan (ex-TV host, professional conspiracy theorist, Covid denier and all-round irrelevant twat) took it upon himself to slam the New Zealand basketball team for performing a haka before a game.

Apparently he thinks the haka is “stupid”. And performing it is “ridiculous”. A performance art, he says

This man who looks like a walking billboard for the dangers of steroid abuse sees fit to complain about the culture of another nation? I guess it shouldn’t be any great surprise, because I suspect the closest he’s ever come to culture would be when his milk goes mouldy.

His behaviour on this (and so many other issues) really does tell us a lot about him. He is the worst type of redneck extremists, the type who sees a culture different from his own, so his fear of anything different kicks in and in a kneejerk reaction, he attacks that culture.
I suppose if I’m honest, it’s actually pretty damn sad that his fear of anything different brings out that attack mode in him.

Stuff’s Kevin Norquay was none-too-impressed with Rogan’s wee rant, but much more kind in his assessment than I have been.

Oh, and PS: Rogan later apologised to New Zealand for being an uncultured mouthpiece.

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