
It’s time to vote YES, Aussie

Given the impending postal survey on gay marriage across the ditch, now’s probably a good time to revisit a speech by an obviously well-raised young man who shows that sexual orientation has nothing to do with your value as a person. It just baffles me that in 2017, we’re still having this debate. Everyone should

It’s time to vote YES, Aussie Read Post »

Mark Zuckerburg

Zuckerberg would be an improvement

It seems there’s been some speculation that Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg is planning to have a crack at running for president, but the wealthy tech guru has poured cold water on the rumours. The rumours came about after he hired an ex-Whitehouse photographer to be his personal photographer, and also publicly renounced his atheism. Because

Zuckerberg would be an improvement Read Post »

Which companies pissed us off the most?

Spark has taken top honours in the Commerce Commission’s list of Kiwi companies that we officially complained about in 2015. I suppose that isn’t really surprising, Spark is our biggest ISP/phone/mobile provider, and glitches with any of those services tend to really aggravate customers. Add to that the difficulty in talking to real people and

Which companies pissed us off the most? Read Post »

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