Sleeping baby

Why do we say it: slept like a baby?

It’s a quirky wee language, English. We steal and bastardise from pretty much every other language, and take words that contain exactly the same letters in exactly the same order and pronounce them differently (for example, polish and Polish). And then there are the weird phrases we adopt. Such as “I slept like a baby.” […]

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Christmas gifts, Xmas presents

Great expectations

  It seems that the are of receiving a gift has been lost in recent years, as we hear more and more often about people making crazy and often unreasonable demands for gift expectations. There was a time, when a gift was something awesome, and often a surprise. As all good gifts should be. Note:

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Sexism? Not really

So apparently teenage girls aren’t interested in makeup, selfie sticks or sunglasses. Er, I might be getting on in years, but if I dust off my memories of those halcyon days of my youth, I was quite interested in at least two of those things (I’m old as fuck, so selfie sticks weren’t a thing

Sexism? Not really Read Post »

Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan shows his lack of class, culture and clues

Spotify’s favourite cockwomble strikes again, this time having a crack at the haka specifically, but Māori culture in general. Joe Rogan (ex-TV host, professional conspiracy theorist, Covid denier and all-round irrelevant twat) took it upon himself to slam the New Zealand basketball team for performing a haka before a game. Apparently he thinks the haka is

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