Let ‘er rip

It’s a weird old world we live in right now as global movement has ground to a halt in an attempt to slow the progress of Covid. This means no crowds at the sporting events that have gone ahead, resulting in the cameras (and microphones) being far more sensitive to things that would normally have […]

Let ‘er rip Read Post »

Bad apples held to account

Does the United States have the most corrupt, violent and bigoted police force in the world? No, it probably doesn’t, but there is messy minority of cops who fit that description. But one of the few good things about social media and smart phones: this sort of behaviour is getting harder to cover up. A

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A shitty act of revenge

I don’t watch any of those Married At First Sight/Love Island/Random People Trying to Shag Other Random People on Reality TV shows, but it has become just about impossible to avoid them. Sadly, our news websites have decided trashy TV qualifies as news, so they all have this shite peppered throughout their sites. And you

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… in a galaxy far, far away …

So it seems Trump’s wee fanbase got a bit upset at Mark Hamill for taking the piss out of the Tangerine Tyrant’s No 1 enabler and seller of overpriced made in China garbage clothing, and object of her daddy’s fantasies, Ivanka. Stuff has reported that Ivanka posted a photo to Instagram of one of her, hubby

… in a galaxy far, far away … Read Post »

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