Quarantine over

Cough, cough. I’m back. Between whooping cough and the assortment of generally nasty lurgies doing the rounds at the moment, it seems half the office is either crook or recovering. Getting back to work this week, now that I’m officially not infectious, I was greeted by a cacophony of coughs. However, it’s good to be […]

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Broadband update

Everyone seems to be trying to woo high-speed net-users at the moment. Telecom has announced a new range of packages available from next month, including a 2Mbps plan  and Ihug launching its bliink system.

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Message for a pervert…

A special note for my very own pervy reader I appear to have cultivated: If you’re going to send e-mails of that nature, it’s much more effective if the smutty bits are spelt correctly. You might find https://www.dictionary.com/ helpful. Please, step away from the keyboard and wash your hands. And don’t do that, you’ll go

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Frustration generic

Moving, schmoving…never again

Eight years ago I said I was never moving house again. This time I mean it. You didn’t get a column from me last week because I was too busy unpacking. In fact, by my normal deadline time I still hadn’t hunted out all my computer cables. Not that it mattered because I couldn’t have

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Ever find yourself looking at a piece of modern art and wondering if you’ve missed the boat? Take a look at Weird Art, a collection of art gathered from the web. If you’re anything like me, Miles of Mules might be more your cup of tea. it is a public arts project involving decorated, life-sized

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Mouse on a mission and other droppings

Sticking to the subject of weird, American and South Korean scientists have created a genetically engineered mouse that can run faster and longer than the average mouse — a marathon mouse. With all the doping scandals at the Athens Olympics, this could be the next step. Imagine the uproar when the International Olympics Committee announces

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Organisation just hard work

Getting organised to move house is hard work, especially during a busy time at work in the middle of the Olympics (a collective awwwww would be appreciated about now). I’ve always thought I was a reasonably organised person, and after having the house on the market for a while also thought I had got rid

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Olympic rings and torch

Olympics on the internet

I suppose now would be a good time to feature Olympic Games sites, since we’re in the midst of Olympic fever. Well, maybe it’s more of a tepid spell than a fever. For all the latest news from the official Games site, try Athens2004. Interestingly, on the site it says that with such a high

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