
Here phishy, phishy …

Phishing scams seem to be all the rage at the moment and it always pays to be wary. The most common are the e-mails purporting to be from various banks, PayPal or eBay. Usually they claim that because of upgrades you need to re-register your username and password and contain a link to the verification […]

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Arnold Schwarzenegger the terminator

Terminator v Fornicator

I’m still not feeling particularly excited about the coming United States presidential election. I find American politics baffling at the best of times and the battle of the man with the endless chin versus the man with terminal foot-in-mouth disease doesn’t inspire me to gain a better understanding of the whole bun fight. The election

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Etiquette for everyone

(This is the Online column written for The Southland Times) Last week’s etiquette column seemed to strike a chord with many people so I’ve been checking out other sites for the well-intentioned and well-mannered. Etiquette Hell lives up to its name, with tales of bridezillas, rude co-workers and funeral faux pas. Categorised by wedding, everyday

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Vital tips on e-mail etiquette

(This is the Online column written for The Southland Times) Last week, a colleague e-mailed another colleague and received a reply that included mention of her breach e-mail etiquette in not using the recipient’s name at the start of the message. Apart from the fact that using a name at the start of a message

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One giant leap for space travel

The whole space tourism scenario has taken another step forward with the privately sponsored SpaceShipOne scudded off into space for the second time in a week to easily beat the previous flight-altitude record for an air-launched craft and grab a $US10 million prize to boot. Designer Burt Rutan built SpaceShipOne and now plans to built

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Clean Bill of health

  Mr Microsoft himself, Bill Gates, has stunned the computer world by announcing that he’s never had a computer virus. That makes two of us, Bill. The comment was made during a speech at the Computer History Museum in California, when Mr Gates announced that Microsoft planned to tackle the growing spyware problem. Microsoft bashers

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