My latest rant

Sometimes I just need to rant. Be afraid, you are my captive audience.

Safety behind Windows

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) I hope you’re all fit and well after Microsoft’s big security fix on Tuesday. According to reports it was the company’s biggest-ever fix, with a whopping 16 patches addressing 49 problems in its products. Yes, I can hear the anti-Microsoft brigade out there doing the

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I’m still here …

Just goes to show that you never know what’s around the corner. For the past eight or so years I’ve used the same hosting company with just a few minor glitches along the way. In fact I’ve recommended the company to anyone I’ve known was looking for a home for their website. Sadly, that is no

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Ladies who lunch

Every Friday afternoon I escape the office with one of my friends for lunch. This is a bit of a novelty since I work through my lunch break every other day of the week but I figure if I actually do the proper lunch thing once a week I can live with it. Each week

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My shit list gets a new entry

Congratulations TV3, you have made the grade. Again. Yes, you suck. Like something really sucky. I still haven’t forgiven you idiots for the whole Dexter debacle (you know, when they ran Dexter for just a few episodes in a non-primetime slot, decided it wasn’t rating well enough so pulled it). Now, we’ve got the Top

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Credit where credit’s due

This whole ministerial credit card debacle is a bit of a joke, isn’t it? I mean really, if one of us plebs had used the company credit card to live it up to the extent our elected representatives did, we’d be looking for new jobs and probably a good lawyer, as well. That Shane Jones

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