My latest rant

Sometimes I just need to rant. Be afraid, you are my captive audience.

Gothic kitten seller to go to court

The nasty, kitten-mangling biarch who was selling “gothic kittens” with piercings has been ordered to stand trial. Her lawyer  reckons state law says nothing about piercing cats or docking their tails. It probably doesn’t explicitly prohibit poking red-hot poker up the rectums of kitten-mangling biarches, either. But I’m guessing it would be frowned upon. Let’s hope

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Our ridiculous new law

The protest are mounting against the new law that will be inflicted upon us from next week but are the politicians listening?  And more to the point, do they care? The drama is all over “Section 92a”, a proposed amendment to our copyright law that’s scheduled to become a happening thing from February 28. This

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Veging out

Sydney Morning Herald foodie columnist Simon Thomsen has written an interesting piece on all flavours of vegetarians. He says he’s not sure why they are so indignant and aggressive but suspects it could be diet-related. I find it hard to disagree with him, I’ve known a lot of veges over the years and just two

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Party-poopers punish Phelps

The proverbial brown stuff has started to hit the fan for America’s Olympics golden boy, Michael Phelps. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll probably be aware of the photos that popped up in Brit tabloid News of the World, showing him having a toke on a bong.   Shock, horror, a 23-year-old who

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More bad press for Facebook

This time the headline screams: Teen accused of sex assaults in Facebook scam. Ooooh, very exciting and dramatic. Turns out some 18-year-old conned classmates into doing dodgy stuff. An 18-year-old US student is accused of posing as a girl on Facebook, tricking at least 31 male classmates into sending him naked photos of themselves and

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Building a business

As more information comes to light about Nadya Suleman, the mother of the octuplets born in Los Angeles, the more I think the woman is an A-grade idiot. And a selfish one at that. So now we know she already had six kids at home aged between 2 and 7, including twins. Okay you might

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Playing the blame game

It’s an absolute tragedy for the family of Aussie girl Gemma Thoms that she died from a drug overdose at the Big Day Out in Perth. But how the hell can supposedly intelligent people blame the cops for this? According to a news report, witnesses reckon Gemma saw police officers searching people for drugs as

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