Newsy crap

Plucked from the headlines, online and in print

Exit strategies

It was nice to see the Stuff dudes and dudettes put a “graphic photo” warning on the story about the guy who stabbed himself in the neck during his court appearance (especially after the distasteful Michael Jackson photos last week) but I can’t help wondering what the warning related to. Was it the blood? Or […]

Exit strategies Read Post »

Piggy germs multiplying

The number of cases of swine flu here in little old New Zealand has risen to 99 and looks likely to rocket ahead even further in the coming days. Be careful out there, wash your hands and stay home if you’re not feeling well (no one else wants your germs).

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Be careful out there

Swine flu cases in New Zealand doubled over the weekend so watch out for nasty bugs. The drug companies reckon they’ll have a vaccine for it soon, with one of them estimating they’ll have commercial supplies ready by next month. On top of that, the powers-that-be here in New Zealand are being pro-active, with the

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Chris Knox improving

It looks like Chris Knox is on the road to recovery after his stroke last week.  The “Dunedin Sound” pioneer has been in hospital since he had a stroke on Thursday.  Let’s hope the Toy Love/Tall Dwarfs/The Nothing guru makes a full recovery, I’m sure he’s still got plenty of music in him to share.

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NZ Herald revamp

Fresh look for the competition

I see the NZ Herald’s website has had a wee spruce up and I kind of like it.  The whole change isn’t overly radical but it’s quite eye-catching. Everything is still there on the front page but some things have been given a little more prominence and everything just looks fresher.  Well done, dudes (and

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Stupid pop quiz of the week

Imagine you are a council worker in the town of Bloxwich, England. You have potholes to fill but you have a dilemma: they are on the border of town land and private property. Do you: A. Fill them all B. Request the private land-owner contribute to the cost C. Fill one half of them, leaving

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You’ve goat to be kidding

Ever wanted a pet goat? Something to snuggle up with at night, take for walks or train to fetch your slippers? Now you can get one for free. You just have to stump up the cash for a new ute (a pickup, for the Americans out there). Mitsubishi is offering  a free goat with every

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