Entertainment crap

Movies, music, telly and anything else that might be deemed entertaining (possibly Tasers)


Chris Knox improving

It looks like Chris Knox is on the road to recovery after his stroke last week.  The “Dunedin Sound” pioneer has been in hospital since he had a stroke on Thursday.  Let’s hope the Toy Love/Tall Dwarfs/The Nothing guru makes a full recovery, I’m sure he’s still got plenty of music in him to share.

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George Carlin

It’s obviously a family trait

A sense of humour, that is. And we’re talking about the Carlin family. George Carlin (you know, the stand-up comedian who did the “seven dirty words” routine) died last year. In an interview on recordonline.com his brother, Patrick, tells the tale of what happened to some of George’s ashes. Carlin points to the ground beneath a

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ice cube

Be afraid, be very afraid

Mr Grumpy Pants himself, the lovely, nipple-fondling Simon Cowell plans to have himself cryogenically frozen when he gets … er … voted off the planet. (Aside: C’mon, you must have noticed how he has that habit of fiddling with his own nipples when offering up judgements on the assorted Idol contestants). Oooh, a Simon popsicle?

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James Whitmore

RIP James Whitmore

Actor James Whitmore died on Friday. He was 87. He had a long career in Hollywood, with his first movie starring role coming in the 1949 movie Battlefield. The most well-known of his more recent acting exploits would probably be in The Shawshank Redemption (playing the part of  Brooks Halten, the old bloke who couldn’t handle

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The master speaks …

Stephen King has got the teeny-boppers abuzz after sharing his thoughts on JK  Rowling (y’know, the Harry Potter guru) and Stephenie Meyer (yawn, Twilight … dammit, I’m so over hearing about Twilight every 2 minutes).  Both Rowling and Meyer, they’re speaking directly to young people. … The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific

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