Warm fuzzies

Cutsie animal photos and other fluffy stuff

Apocolympic countdown

It’s nearly over. Finally. Is it just me, or do the Olympics seem to be going on for a very long time? Perhaps it’s because I’m not watching the Games but it really does feel like they’ve been going on for weeks, and weeks, and weeks, and … maybe even a month. Anyway, I found […]

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Ol’ blue eyes …

Okay, now for something completely different. Here’s something to make you go awwww its Frankie, the world’s first blue-eyed koala Read more about Frankie, and check him out on video here.

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Warm fuzzies and feathers

  All together now: Awwwww… It’s time for another warm, fuzzy moment. It’s a tale of love that crosses the boundaries of colour, religion and species. Um, and no, there’s nothing kinky about it.  It’s the tale of a lonely little monkey and his best buddy — a pigeon.

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Otterly adorable.

It’s otterly enthralling

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) Have you ever wondered how the rest of the world sees us? Have you sat there in your living room, asking yourself just what is it about our little country, populated by talented movie directors and athletes and full of adventure touristy ways to scare

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Mouse on a mission and other droppings

Sticking to the subject of weird, American and South Korean scientists have created a genetically engineered mouse that can run faster and longer than the average mouse — a marathon mouse. With all the doping scandals at the Athens Olympics, this could be the next step. Imagine the uproar when the International Olympics Committee announces

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