The great American scam

It seems like every second “travel” story in newspapers, magazines and online is some sort of guide on how to tip when visiting America. There’s no doubt it’s an interesting country to visit, but FFS, pay people a proper wages. It’s bloody ridiculous that a restaurant gets away with paying wait staff slave wages while

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DCF = Department of Cluster Fucks?

Here’s a shining example of stupidity and cruelty in Florida: a woman who was assaulted by her ex was then targeted by the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) with a fucking ridiculous interpretation of the law. Florida blames mothers when men batter them – then takes away their children After coming home from

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NZ currency

Kiwibank backtracks on brothel ban

Judgy old Kiwibank has rethought its stance on who will be allowed to use its banking services after a bit of backlash over the responsible banking policy it published this week. The policy excludes a bunch of undesirables that cause harm to the world: drug dealers,  loan sharks, and businesses involved with military-grade weapons, to

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