Time comes to a standstill

The latest on my list of must-see YouTube videos is an improv event from New York. You take 200-plus people, turn up at Grand Central Station and at a predetermined time, everyone freezes on the spot for several minutes. Then, like magic, they all start moving again at the same time. The reactions of onlookers

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warning sign

Customer (dis)service: week 7

LATEST UPDATE: No change on the Telecom front. I’ve scoured the Telecom and Xtra websites to see if perhaps there is some kind of rule that says “we never say sorry” or “we will never explain to you peasants just why you might not get the service you pay for” but as yet, I’ve found

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Customer (dis)service: week 6

LATEST UPDATE: I finally got compensation from NZ Post for the elusive Trade Me package. Phew.  Sadly, the Telecom situation remains the same. Hey guys, a simple sorry we screwed up would be nice.  The score remains: NZ Post 1, Telecom nil.  Read about my dramas with NZ Post. Read about my battle with Xtra.

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Customer (dis)service: week 5

LATEST UPDATE: NZ Post says I’m getting compensation (yay).  However, there’s no progress with the Telecom Xtra mess. I’ve e-mailed the inappropriately named helpdesk to register my annoyance at the lack of customer service but as yet have had no reply.  The score: NZ Post 1, Telecom nil.  Read about my dramas with NZ Post.

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