Positive changes

I’m looking great, apparently. No, really: everyone keeps telling me how good I look at the moment. It’s lovely to hear it, and I suppose I probably do look a tad healthier than I did a year ago. And even…

Don’t let the trolls in

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) All the hoo-hah that has erupted over the trolls invading the Southland Trader Co Facebook page is a good example of why we all should be careful about our online…

Four-part koalatastrophe

Why did the koala bear fall out of the tree? He had no arms. Why did the second koala bear fall out of the tree? He was holding onto the first koala. Why did the third koala bear fall out…

tap-tap-tap … Is this thing on?

I’ve been a bad, bad blogger, not posting here for months. I apologise for abandoning you (not that it’s likely anyone’s noticed) but – for a few months at least – life got in the way. It’s been an interesting…