Wonder if they also make Catholic wax?
Wonder if they also make Catholic wax? Read Post »
Random thoughts and equally random web links. Unfortunately for you, I like to share.
How did that happen? That cute little baby that featured on the cover of Nevermind is now 20 years old. That can’t be right: I remember so vividly when Nirvana released this, and it certainly didn’t feel like it was 20 years ago. Anyway, the baby in question, the now all-grown-up Spencer Elden, re-created that
Oh baby, how time flies Read Post »
I’m sure it was a relief to everyone when the world didn’t end on Friday. Except, of course, the wrinkly old bugger who keeps predicting the end of the world. After his disastrous efforts in predicting the end of times back in March, 90-year-old Harold Camping had another crack at it, saying the March date
Going, going … nope, still here Read Post »
A common phrase I hear around the office is “people are stupid” and nowhere is that more evident than online. This week’s example of one of life’s special people: Does the Titanic sink at the end of the movie or does it have a happy ending,wont be up to watch the end…thanks (this one was
The butler iceberg did it Read Post »
Who’d have thunk it: cows like jazz music. For some reason, I’d always thought our bovine friends would be more inclined to listen to horse opera of both varieties: country and western. Yes, that was me channeling the Blues Brothers. Anyway, here we have an open-air cow concert.
Moo-ving musical interlude Read Post »
From September 9 until October 23 you should read the sports section of the newspaper so that you are aware of what is going on regarding the World Cup, and that way you will be able to join in the conversations. If you fail to do this, then you will be looked at in a
Rugby World Cup rules of engagement Read Post »