Just me

Posts about me, my family and friends (yes I have some), Seymour the Wonder Cat and his not-so-trusty sidekick Norman the Newbie Cat and life in general, both online and offline


Hold on …

Ah, it just gets better and better. My mother-in-law’s surgery isn’t happening tomorrow…it’s been postponed. She is better but we’re very aware that it’s only temporary so here’s hoping it will sooner rather than later. We’re heading home to Invercargill in the morning to be with Nick for Hayden’s funeral. He’s going to be a […]

Hold on … Read Post »

swimming pool

Synchronised avoidance

After my last post it’s been a bit hard to get motivated so write anything else, but I had to get myself organised this morning to write this week’s Online column. Anyway, I’m continuing with my Olympic avoidance. This evening I spent some time watching my computer at it defragged. I figure that’s about as

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Sad start to the week

Life can be pretty awful at times: one of Nick’s best mates was badly injured this morning while biking to work. He’s in a critical condition and it’s not looking good. So there you have it, two people with their lives in the balance, my mother-in-law a vibrant 80-year-old and my son’s friend a 17-year-old

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Hurry up and wait

I arrived home in sunny Invercargill yesterday to the news that my mother-in-law is in hospital again. Grant’s off to Alexandra today to see how things are with her: she’s still waiting for surgery to replace her failing heart valve and getting sicker by the day. It’s a bit of a Catch-22 situation, she has

Hurry up and wait Read Post »

curse you

Getting settled in

I’ve migrated my blog from Blogger to WordPress but have been having a few “issues” with the importing of old posts. Hopefully, I’ll get it sorted in the next few days. Ah, that’s the magic of the inter-web.

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Still waiting

Grant’s back and the latest on my mother-in-law is that she will be transferred to Dunedin Hospital next week, where they will assess her and (hopefully) operate. We should know more in a few days.

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Isolation, alcohol and moths

I spent last weekend with no cellphone coverage, no internet and in fact no computer at all. Surprisingly, it appears the world is still rotating.  Phew. I was in Waikaia, staying with my sister and her hubby at their crib (for non-southerners, a crib is a batch or holiday home).  And falling off the wagon

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