Just me

Posts about me, my family and friends (yes I have some), Seymour the Wonder Cat and his not-so-trusty sidekick Norman the Newbie Cat and life in general, both online and offline

Cheap and fast Aussie internet

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) After our wee excursion along the Murray River it was quite nice to make it back to the big smoke. We spent a few days in Adelaide, staying far too close to the famous Haigh’s Chocolate, before hopping on a plane and flying to the

Cheap and fast Aussie internet Read Post »

A postcard from Aussie

Have you missed me? I’ve been on holiday: first Sydney for a few days, then we flew to Adelaide to do a houseboat trip along the Murray River for a week, then back to Adelaide for a few more days and now, here I am in Surfers Paradise. We managed to to the Murray River

A postcard from Aussie Read Post »

My cure for seasonal insomnia

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) I know most of you are probably like most of my family and friends, who look forward to the start of daylight saving each year. However, I enjoy it about as much as a dose of something nasty you can’t discuss in public. Every year I

My cure for seasonal insomnia Read Post »

Tax cuts: Oooh, let’s go crazy!

So, what will you be doing with all that cash you’ll have burning a hole in your pocket with our exciting tax cuts that come into being tomorrow? The lovely people at Infometrics have a calculator on their site if you’re wanting to work out just how much you’ll have to treat yourself with now

Tax cuts: Oooh, let’s go crazy! Read Post »

Olympic rings and torch

Oops, I peeked

Brace yourselves, I have a shocking confession. I broke my Olympics boycott and watched part of the closing ceremony. I’d been a bit peeved that I was going to miss the Jimmy Page performance so it was all a bit of a happy accident when I decided to channel surf after watching a movie and

Oops, I peeked Read Post »

And all of a sudden…

After much to-ing and fro-ing, and trips to Dunedin then back to Invercargill, and surgery postponements, it all happened today. My mother-in-law had her big op (heart valve replacement) and is recovering in Dunedin Hospital.  They’d scheduled it for today but then said it would be postponed until next week because of the big norovirus

And all of a sudden… Read Post »

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