Category: Funny stuff

However you want to spell it (humor/humour), it’s the stuff that I find funny. That doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll agree with me but luckily it’s a free world.

I laughed!

The prize for best random thought of the day has to go to Trade Me message boarder rachel43, who says: “Having sex is like riding a bike … hurts if ya fall off …”

They key to a long life

birthday cake

A lawyer dies in a car accident on his 40th birthday and finds himself greeted at the Pearly Gates by a brass band. Saint Peter runs over, shakes his hand and says “Congratulations!” “Congratulations for what?” asks the lawyer. “Congratulations…

Sometimes a bad week isn’t so bad …

It had been a horrible week for Henry. An entomologist at the local university, he was up for a promotion this year. With the promotion would come tenure. But there was a problem. It was not that he couldn’t teach.…