No wuckin’ furries

In the greatest scandal to rock children’s television since Big Bird started toking up and imagining a big hairy critter named Snuffy, a mum in Cardiff reckons her young daughter has picked up a naughty word (starts with F, ends in UCK; rhymes with duck) from Peppa Pig.

To be honest, I initially thought she was just having a bit of a whinge, but after listening I have to say it certainly sounds like one of those words that would have made my Standard 1 teacher Mrs Bridgeman shudder. And Mrs Bridgeman was pretty resilient (and hairy, too. But that’s probably not relevant to the conversation. But damn, that woman had a hairy chin).

But I digress. Have a listen: what do you reckon?


Peppa Pig taught my little girl the F word

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