Category: In the news

Plucked from the headlines, online and in print

Something happened at the cricket

Cricket bat and ball

  It should have been front-page news: something actually happened at the cricket on Tuesday. And it even involved a cricket ball … along with a couple of other, more fragile balls. One of the cricketers took a direct hit…

Such sensitive wee souls …

I’m not a fan of telly ads most of the time, an aversion I probably share with most of you out there. And after working nights for all those years, I got into the habit of recording the programmes I…

Trent: stop fondling your bits!

I suppose any headline proclaiming a father of 14 to be a virgin is going to get your attention, but having taken a look at this guy I can’t say I’m surprised he became a father via sperm donation. This…

What a bunch of boobs

Baby being bottle fed

Opinions are a lot like arseholes: everyone has one and most of them are full of shit. Right now, it seems every man and his dog has an opinion on breastfeeding and they are keen to share those opinions. Mothers…

Anonymity: you’re doing it wrong

in print news anonymous

At least they know how to spell anonymity, I suppose. Now perhaps they can look it up in a dictionary, because I’m pretty sure they don’t know what it actually means! Maybe Ms Reynolds wore a mask  while being interviewed.

Poor wee ronery dictator

Kim Jong-Il

I realise there are some people out there who lack something in the brain cell department, but when someone is in the public eye you’d think they’d make an effort to know what they’re talking about. But, when it comes…