Steady as she goes

IBM has announced plans for a new mouse adaptor aimed at aiding computer users with hand tremors. It will license the Assistive Mouse Adapter to British manufacturing firm Montrose Secam. The device uses similar “steady cam” technology found in camcorders.

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Something to smile about

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) With all the reports of worms, hackers and internet banking fraud lately, the average punter could be forgiven for thinking the net is a hotbed of nasties. However, before we get into that how about something to make you smile? New Jersey amateur videographer Gary

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Torturous times

A couple of weeks ago, Southland Times sports columnist Jamie Mackay — unhappy with the way his column had been cut the previous week — suggested sub editors were a strange bunch of people who, as children, most likely pulled the wings off butterflies. Yes, I’m a sub editor. However, I’ve never tortured a butterfly.

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Picture perfect for home users

PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS 3.0 and PREMIERE ELEMENTS, published by Adobe; about $189 each or $279 for a boxed set (excluding GST): Everyone’s heard of Adobe’s popular Photoshop, accepted as the industry standard for working with photos. Photoshop Elements (for Windows and Mac) is a pared down version with an equally pared down price that is perfect

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worldwide web internet generic

Let your fingers do the discovering

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) Every time the internet is mentioned in the news these days it seems to be bad news but take heart, there’s more to the net than spammers, scammers and paedophiles. If you’re connected to the net, you have the ultimate reference library at your fingertips.

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Virtually perfect

Click here for Toothpaste for Dinner (This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) Valentine’s Day might be over but the net is still littered with reminders of the sappy event. For any single women out there who truly believe they are missing something in their lives, I’ve found a virtual husband to

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Valentine’s Day … massacre

(This is the Online column written for The Southland Times) Valentine’s Day is just around the corner but since it’s one of those crass, retailer-invented events that falls into the same category as Halloween, I’m going to ignore it and all the mushy, gooey commercialism it brings. The St Valentine’s Day massacre is a little

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