A very crusty sandwich
A very crusty sandwich Read Post »
Random thoughts and equally random web links. Unfortunately for you, I like to share.
God is, apparently, a fan of very bad music. Well, that’s if we are to believe the efforts of this buck-toothed, weirdly dressed (are they purple pyjamas??) wee fella. Praise the lord and pass the whisky, this kind of music is one of the reasons I drink. Besides, just what is this new thing he’s
He’s doing a nu thang, and it’s creepy Read Post »
Technology does have some bad points: one in particular being that it allows us to make total dicks of ourselves on a much wider scale that was ever possible in the past. Texting, for example, is uber-dangerous. Especially when drunk. The whole autocomplete thing is a bit of a trap for young players anyway, but
Don’t drink and text Read Post »
Hmm, so according to this auction I just found on Trade Me, I can buy a pair of unique gloves. I’m not sure what makes them unique: perhaps the seller has sewn the ends of the finger holes closed. Or maybe they have only three fingers. No, a closer look at the auction image show
You’re unique … just like everyone else Read Post »