Random crap

Random thoughts and equally random web links. Unfortunately for you, I like to share.

Hairy man

Hair, hair

Movember is well under way and it’s been interesting following the progress of the various competitive moustache-growers about the place and the spot of controversy that erupted via (once again) the Trade Me message board.  It amazes me that people still haven’t managed to grasp the fact that internet message boards are viewed by all […]

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Just a tiddler

  No big deal: Our planet is a mere blip. There’s a link that has been doing the rounds via e-mail lately that might just put it all in perspective. If you’ve ever pondered your place in the universe, the size of our world might depress you. In the scheme of things, Earth is a

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Reason to drink #1376

Woohoo, it looks like I’ve finally got something to blame my poor memory on. An Auckland University study reckons that having a drink or two might just enhance your memory and can even help Alzheimer’s sufferers. I wonder if that means I can request a bottle of Drambuie with the next office stationery order?

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On the move

Everyone must know about Air New Zealand’s Grab-A-Seat website by now but have you checked out How Far Can I Go? This nifty little site takes the dollars you have available and tells you where to go. In the nicest possible way, of course.

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Real or no real?

With all the retouching and Photoshopping going on, it’s hard to tell just what is real these days. Dove highlighted that fact with its evolution of a model ad, which has been beautifully spoofed with a video called Slob Evolution. And if you ever had any doubts about the power of the airbrush, check out

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Online karaoke bar

If you fancy yourself as a chart-topper, test drive your singing abilities at Singshot. This site is effectively an online karaoke bar. Well, a bar without alcohol (and after some of the performances, you might just be in the mood for something a little stronger than cocoa). However, it’s a fun little site where everyone

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