Category: In the news

Plucked from the headlines, online and in print

Irish financial crisis explained

Are you a little confused by the financial world? Struggling to understand the full implications of the Irish financial crisis: what it means and how it all happened?

Well here’s the bloke to explain it (some colourful language so NSFW or small children).

China continues to suck

It’s not that I’m picking on China. Really, I’m not. Can I help it if China’s powers that be provide a constant stream of evidence of suckiness in all areas of human rights, personal and political freedoms and general respect…

Is Twitter becoming too invasive?

A Twitter-obsessed Brit is so hooked on the site that she continued tweeting while in labour, sending out 104 updates to all who were interested. Now I don’t know about anyone else out there, but when I was in labour…

Voting’s a pleasure?

This ad video by the Young Socialists in Catalonia has been criticised by Spanish politicians. Apparently, the equality minister has called the video campaign “misleading” advertising. Is that because, when it comes to politics, you’re never alone: they’re always ready to screw…

Is it really discrimination?

UPDATE: The latest on this story is that the casting agent has now been sacked. Apparently the light-skinned option was the choice of the casting agent, an independent contractor, not the producers. Oh well, I still say having a whinge…

A sub-editor’s dream news story


There are some headlines that simply state the facts, there are those that offer a subtle humour and then there are those that, well, smack you between the eyes and say “read this freakish bit of info”. The Mail Online* offered…

It’s official: China sucks

The news a few days ago that a Chinese woman had been sentenced to a year in a hard labour camp for retweeting something the Chinese government didn’t like should make those of us fortunate enough to live in countries…

Reasons to Taser the PC brigade # 100

I suspect the world really has gone mad. According to the Shropshire Star, gingerbread men have been renamed gingerbread persons by Lancashire council bosses in their latest menus for the area’s primary school meals. I’m pleased to say the locals…

Knock shop to get knocked down

Looks like Auckland’s got some of those cracked old buildings just like us here in Invervegas.  They are going to have to knock down a 124-year-old building that was going to be a brothel during next year’s Rugby World Cup.…

Interview goes West

Not content with making something of a dick of himself at last year’s VMAs, Kanye West has polished up his King of the Arrogant Morons crown in time for an interview on the Today show. He was on the show…