Just me

Posts about me, my family and friends (yes I have some), Seymour the Wonder Cat and his not-so-trusty sidekick Norman the Newbie Cat and life in general, both online and offline

Seymour and Norman

The wild cat(s) of Invercargill

The Brit media is cranking out new reports of the wild cat of Woodchester savaging a deer but I have enough problems of my own with the wild moggies residing in my own home. Since discovering her hunting gene, Norman has taken it upon herself to perfect her skills on anything and everything, but mostly […]

The wild cat(s) of Invercargill Read Post »

All done for another year

The annual Allison family Christmas gathering/BBQ/circus went off without a hitch and just a wee spot of sunburn. And one mosquito bite. It was hot enough on Christmas Day but even hotter on Boxing Day at our little home away from home, aka Club Mat(aura). The fan was working overtime trying to cool things down

All done for another year Read Post »


Club Med Mataura

Spent the weekend at our little shack on the river, our first weekend there for the summer. We had some friends come out to stay on Saturday night and have made some important discoveries: I’m not the only person who plays “I spy” in the dark The Eclipse mints labelled “Intense” are just that and

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Some days …

… you are the pigeon. Some days you are the statue. And some days (most days?) it feels like you’ve been the statue for way too long and the pigeons are getting organised.

Some days … Read Post »

Norman 2, starlings 0

An update on Norman the mighty hunter: this morning I found a very proud Norman with the head of a bird. Dead, obviously. She had left it in the doorway of my office, a disembodied head with. And again, there was a trail of feathers that seemed far too huge to be from one little

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Norman the cat watching bird videos

Norman the mighty hunter

Norman the Newbie-ish Cat spent much of the winter perfecting her hunting techniques, honing her skills on wetas, snails, moths, leaves and socks. She has found, through a process of trial and error, that leaving dead wetas in the shoes isn’t always appreciated by the owner of said shoes. And that if you make excited

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Nirvana album

Oh baby, how time flies

How did that happen? That cute little baby that featured on the cover of Nevermind is now 20 years old. That can’t be right: I remember so vividly when Nirvana released this, and it certainly didn’t feel like it was 20 years ago. Anyway, the baby in question, the now all-grown-up Spencer Elden, re-created that

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