Just me

Posts about me, my family and friends (yes I have some), Seymour the Wonder Cat and his not-so-trusty sidekick Norman the Newbie Cat and life in general, both online and offline

windy weather

If you think our weather is bad …

So, how about this weather? Mother Nature has been a busy girl of late, what with earthquakes and now gale-force winds. On Tuesday afternoon, after surviving the overnight breezes, a relative newbie to the south asked a tad nervously just how often we get these kinds of winds. It seems the earthquakes don’t bother him […]

If you think our weather is bad … Read Post »

Showing respect

I couldn’t help but wonder yesterday if perhaps it’s time the Invercargill City Council looked at closing off the streets around the cenotaph for the dawn parade. The crowd was huge and people were spilling out on to Dee St, making it a safety issue. However, my biggest gripe is simply with the noise, which

Showing respect Read Post »

Frolicking weta grates on nerves

We’ve been hit by a weta invasion in our bathroom lately. After a bit of checking, it seems the likely source of the annoying little critters is a large tree outside the bathroom window. It’s not that I mind the way they look, it’s all that leaping around that grates on my nerves. I’ve rescued

Frolicking weta grates on nerves Read Post »


Sitting duck for telephonic junk

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) Greetings to the concerned readers who noticed my absence during the past few weeks. An unexpected stay in hospital and some up-close and personal experience with the pointy end of a scalpel were to blame. After being paroled from hospital, I spent a week clearing

Sitting duck for telephonic junk Read Post »

anzac day poppy memorial

The fallen: we will remember them

Tuesday marks the 91st anniversary of the landing of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (Anzacs) at Gallipoli. Thousands of young New Zealanders and Australians died in what many class as our defining moment as a nation. On April 25 each year, we remember the 2721 New Zealanders who died during that campaign. However,

The fallen: we will remember them Read Post »

Back to fans and 24: Conspiracy

I’m back and yes, the holiday was splendiferous. Thanks for asking.  To the reader who became concerned by my conspicuous absence from these pages during the past month and e-mailed asking if I’d been eaten by a crocodile while on holiday: er, no. And it’s nice to know you missed me.  Isn’t that lovely —

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