Just me

Posts about me, my family and friends (yes I have some), Seymour the Wonder Cat and his not-so-trusty sidekick Norman the Newbie Cat and life in general, both online and offline

Told you it was a big bastard!

GeoNet revised their quake report, saying it WAS 7.8 after all. Oh, and did I mention we had another one (an aftershock) about 20 minutes later. That one measured 6.1. We’ve got at least one crack in the dining room ceiling and a crack in the glass of one of our doors. Guess I’ll have […]

Told you it was a big bastard! Read Post »

A little too much rock and roll

Well, that wasn’t fun. We just had quite a large earthquake that seemed to go on and on an on … (and we’ve had a wee few little aftershocks, either that or my house is shivering). As always, GeoNet, the New Zealand site for the outfit we rely on for earthquake info couldn’t cope with

A little too much rock and roll Read Post »

Boy’s own adventure

My other half has been away for the past week on a hunting/fishing/drinking trip with a bunch of friends and family. It’s an annual trip and I suspect the drinking part of the equation takes up most of their time. He took his cellphone with him in case I needed to get in touch with

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I think the rubber band broke

Today’s been … er, fun?  It started out incredibly cold, and icy, and slippery (and not in a good way, if you know what I mean). After braving the elements and actually making it to work, things were going along okay and I felt like I was actually making some progress on catching up on

I think the rubber band broke Read Post »

ice cube

Holy ice cubes Batman

It’s cold out there! Just went out to the garage to chuck some paper in the recycle bin and lock up and nearly froze my rather ample arse off.  Colder than a polar bear’s dangly bits (if you know what I mean).  The weather gurus have been forecasting snow but I think it’s still too

Holy ice cubes Batman Read Post »

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