Funny crap

However you want to spell it (humor/humour), it’s the stuff that I find funny. That doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll agree with me but luckily it’s a free world.

Stupid pop quiz of the week

Imagine you are a council worker in the town of Bloxwich, England. You have potholes to fill but you have a dilemma: they are on the border of town land and private property. Do you: A. Fill them all B. Request the private land-owner contribute to the cost C. Fill one half of them, leaving

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George Carlin

It’s obviously a family trait

A sense of humour, that is. And we’re talking about the Carlin family. George Carlin (you know, the stand-up comedian who did the “seven dirty words” routine) died last year. In an interview on his brother, Patrick, tells the tale of what happened to some of George’s ashes. Carlin points to the ground beneath a

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