DCF = Department of Cluster Fucks?

Here’s a shining example of stupidity and cruelty in Florida: a woman who was assaulted by her ex was then targeted by the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) with a fucking ridiculous interpretation of the law.

After coming home from the hospital after having treatment for the assault, Leah Gunion was visited by a DCF investigator and then spent the next six weeks fighting to keep custody of her two boys.

What was her heinous crime?

Did she abuse her children? No.

Did she fail to feed them? No.

Did she beat them? No.

Did she do drugs in front of them? No.

When she was assaulted, she briefly lost consciousness. And according to the idiots from DCF, that meant she left her children unsupervised.

Such … compassion?

Adding to the stupidity: “She said to me, ‘If (your ex-boyfriend) had taken the children with him when he left while you were passed out on the floor, I wouldn’t be here right now’.” 


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