Weather or not you believe it …

The whole global warming debate continues, and while it’s hard to see it as global warming when we froze our collective arses off here in New Zealand last summer (but had an almost tropical winter), there is no doubt that something dodgy is happening to our climate.

So let’s call it climate change, which covers all the weather wonkiness and makes it easier to comprehend for those who stick their nose out the door on a chilly day and proceed to bitch about what a crock global warming is because “it’s so cold” and that they can’t believe how cold it is in Southland all the time. Because, of course, their short-term memories have been frozen into a state of malfunction by all the cold weather last summer that so they conveniently forgot the incredibly mild winter and pretty spectacular spring of the year before. Oh, and the awesome autumn we enjoyed this year.

But I digress. Sea levels are rising, average temperatures are up and greenhouse gases are at 800,000-year highs. Bugger.

In this video, Hank Green (my favourite geek) from SciShow explains an October 2013 report by the United Nations about global warming and tells us five things we really need to know about our warming world.

Yes indeed, it is getting warmer.

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