I feel like David Attenborough

After my post the other day about teenage boys with non-bendy arms and butt crack on show, I got to see a whole herd of them in the wilds of Esk Street yesterday.

Co-incidentally, at lunch with a couple of colleagues (*waves to Stretch and Fiona*) we’d been talking about that particular post and discussing the fashion statements made by the young men of our city. Or, if you prefer, taking the piss out of the baggy pants brigade who lurk around our streets.

We’d left the restaurant and were heading back to the office when they appeared out of nowhere, pants hanging half-way down their butts and baseball-style caps and jaunty angles.

And yes, each and every one of them was having to adopt that wide walk stance so their pants didn’t fall down. They looked like a group of babies who needed their nappies changed.

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