Cyber Santa

(This is the Online column written for The Southland Times)

santaAre you ready for the big day yet? There are only two sleeps to go until Santa comes scudding down our chimneys.

Well maybe not our chimneys.

If the weather continues with its current unsummer-like trend, Santa might just get a scorched bum if his chimney journey ends with a nice warm fire. Just to be on the safe side, I think I’ll leave the cat door unlocked for him.

I think I’m almost organised already this year, a first for me so early in December! The house is even decorated.

Maybe using the term decorated is overstating things a little — the 1m-high fibre-optic fake tree has been pulled out of its box and plugged in. Seymour the wonder cat seems to like it.

If you’d like to see some slightly more ambitious Christmas decorations, take a look at the houses in the Christmas Lights competition. You can view the entries by location. The house we sold in August is in the competition this year and I must say, the old girl looks pretty good with all her festive trimmings.

In the United States, the Komarnitsky family decided to create an interactive website featuring their festive flashy bits. This year, their house has 17,000 lights and if you visit the site make sure you check out the webcam, where you can turn the lights off and on with a click of your mouse.

The Komarnitskys have understanding neighbours.

If you haven’t already sent Santa your Christmas wish list, there’s still time. Xtra’s Christmas site has all the info for getting in touch with Mr Claus
via phone, e-mail or txt, and also offers games, e-cards and competitions. According to Telecom, the majority of requests to the Santaline (phone 0800 222222) have been for Bratz dolls, iPods, mobile phones and game consoles.

However, it seems the grown-ups have their own favourite requests. Santa has apparently had a whole bunch of letters asking for a bit of adult company. One hopeful wrote: “… could you please send me an elf to do the dishes? Make him a cute little sexy one, and I would prefer that he can not talk, burp or talk about rugby or politics.”

Santa (if you’re reading this), I’d also like one of those, too, if you have a spare.

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