Category: Random crap

Random thoughts and equally random web links. Unfortunately for you, I like to share.

I feel like David Attenborough

After my post the other day about teenage boys with non-bendy arms and butt crack on show, I got to see a whole herd of them in the wilds of Esk Street yesterday. Co-incidentally, at lunch with a couple of colleagues…

You might as well … Imagine?

As mashups go, this one is pretty amazing. With the addition of John Lennon’s Imagine, it manages to make a 80s classic Jump, by Van Halen, sound pretty deep and meaningful. Imagine-a-jump-john-lennon-vs.-van-halen by jackstanleywp

The revolution has begun

A fox in Belarus had the last laugh on a hunter: it shot him. The bloke had initially shot the fox from a distance, then caught up with it and was in the process of trying to finish it off by…

Teens: low-slung loping wonders

What is it with teenage boys and their arms? Every single one of them that I’ve seen around town lately meanders along with street in that kind of slouchy lope that makes them look like a cross between an ape and…

We all fall down …

What is it with all the stuff falling down lately? I’m not talking about buildings in Christchurch because a good 7.1 rattle will do that to a city. No, I’m talking about our stadium crapping out during the September snowstorm, that…