Month: September 2011

Happy Monday

Inspiration poster - snuggling

To all the sensitive, new-age guys out there: I hope your week is delightful and fulfilling. And may I suggest you follow up your morning cup of chamomile tea with a nice big mug of concrete and HTFU!

Hot buns provoke God squad

You know you’ve really made it in the world of rock when you piss off the God botherers. The Foo Fighters are trekking around the United States at the moment as part of their ginormous tour that will see them…

Not your usual suspects

The likely looking group in the mugshots are the eight Amish men who fought the law. And the law won. As you probably know, the Amish aren’t fans of anything modern, like cars. These hardened criminals in the photos didn’t…

The butler iceberg did it

A common phrase I hear around the office is “people are stupid” and nowhere is that more evident than online. This week’s example of one of life’s special people: Does the Titanic sink at the end of the movie or…

Her cups runneth over

I sort of admire the attitude of a Welsh great-grandmother who decided to buy herself a new set of boobies at the age of 65 but I think that perhaps she went a little overboard. Joan Lloyd was widowed last…

Moo-ving musical interlude

Who’d have thunk it: cows like jazz music.

For some reason, I’d always thought our bovine friends would be more inclined to listen to horse opera of both varieties: country and western.

Yes, that was me channeling the Blues Brothers.

Anyway, here we have an open-air cow concert.

Rugby World Cup rules of engagement

Rugby World Cup 2011

From September 9 until October 23 you should read the sports section of the newspaper so that you are aware of what is going on regarding the World Cup, and that way you will be able to join in the…

Meth market munted?

  This nasty old recession is making things tough for everyone out there, even our drug-addled citizens. A story on the Dominion Post website today says prices for methamphetamine are on the rise but the product is in short supply…

Cleaning shit up

As you may have noticed, we’ve had a wee change around and a bit of a makeover. Kind of like Nip/Tuck but without all the nakedness, shagging and dirty dealings. Anyhoo, I decided to keep the monkeys because, well, I…