Month: February 2011

Hanging out at the river

Hopefully the weather will be a little nicer this weekend … we’re heading out to the hut again and my plans involve books, wine and, well, not much else. But I plan on dealing with those books and wine in…

Scams, spams: it’s hardly cricket


(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) Valentine’s Day is nearly upon us and it looks like the scammers see the day as a perfect opportunity to rip people off. And you thought romance was dead. Symantec…

I feel cheated

Remember the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? (♪ ♫  Heroes in a half-shell … Turtle Power! ♫ ♪ ) But I digress. I’ve been looking for a new backpack now that my Spongebob Squarepants pack has finally given up the ghost…

No 3D for royal wedding

I see the rumoured plan to broadcast the Prince William and Kate Middleton’s April 29 wedding in 3D have been chucked out by Buckingham Palace — which is, I’m sure, something of a relief for all those of a nervous disposition. Really,…

Meanwhile, in the real world

Model Gisele has stirred things up again, this time with the comment that sunscreen is poison. She was speaking to media at the launch of her organic skincare line, Sejaa. Because, apparently, she protects her skin from the sun’s harmful rays…