Category: Online column

A weekly tech column written for The Southland Times, a company that pays well enough to keep me in handbags and Drambuie

Small but useful

This is part of the Online column, written for The Southland Times) If you’re wondering why, in the print edition of my column, you regularly see that funny looking “TinyURL” website address, wonder no more. TinyURL is a little site…

Hi Santa — I’m thinking of others this year


This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) Dear Santa, Well, it’s nearly time for your yearly visit and normally I’d be offering my wish list for your consideration. However, I’m pretty happy with life right now and…

Xtra wishes for a very merry Christmas

This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) Are you ready for Christmas yet? There are just 11 sleeps until the big day and for some reason, I’m more organised this year than I’ve ever been in the…

Genius of Lennon can’t be denied, even now

John Lennon

This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) Tomorrow will mark the 26th anniversary of the death of a man who shaped music for his generation and beyond, John Lennon. His widow Yoko Ono ran a full-page advertisement…

Phishing for a bite on the increase

This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) If you’ve noticed that among the stacks of spam hitting your inbox every day there’s a growing list of phishing scams, you’re not alone. It appears half the staff here…

Attack of the spam uninvited

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) Take heart, when it comes to drowning in a sea of spam, you’re not alone. Lately, I’ve been asked several times where it’s all coming from and sorry folks, it’s…

Sites for tradesblokes doesn’t fix the problem

This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) Everyone has a tradesman story, whether it’s a tale of woe or, just occasionally, a legend of derring-do and well-finished woodwork. The latest online buzz in the world or tradesmen…

It’s otterly enthralling

Otterly adorable.

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) Have you ever wondered how the rest of the world sees us? Have you sat there in your living room, asking yourself just what is it about our little country,…

Sitting duck for telephonic junk


(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) Greetings to the concerned readers who noticed my absence during the past few weeks. An unexpected stay in hospital and some up-close and personal experience with the pointy end of…