Wonderful websites for the virtual joker

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times)

This is another of those columns where I kick off with a message for my poor, long-suffering husband: I didn’t forget our wedding anniversary yesterday. In fact I remembered it as soon as I was reminded by a colleague who shares the same anniversary.

And I remembered it, albeit with assistance, a good 3 hours before you did.

According to The Romantic website the traditional gift for 9 years of matrimonial, ahem, bliss is pottery. That’s not really my style so maybe the modern gift version of leather would be more appropriate.

A nice leather stock whip, perhaps. You’d be surprised at just how many websites there are out there that specialise in selling whips and other items intended for recreational purposes.

The next big event on the calendar is, of course, April Fool’s Day. The Museum of Hoaxes has a list of the top 100 April Fool’s Day jokes. Make sure you check out the video of the BBC spaghetti harvest hoax (you’ll need Real Player installed to view it).

If you’re looking for general information of every practical jokers favourite day of the year, take a look at this.

Speaking of fools, Michael Jackson trial and his nose are certainly entertaining.

As expected, there are stacks of sites poking the borax at Jackson, including one where you can play the Escape from Neverland game. This involves shooting nets at children running across a field.

If that’s not really your cup of tea, try the Electric Chicken’s bouncing baby balcony bunjee, where you have to catch the babies Jacko throws off a balcony, or Liquid Generation’s dropping babies, where you get to be the gloved one himself and attempt to aim your baby missiles at a sometimes moving pram.

There’s also an online history of the man’s infamous and seemingly ever-changing face at Anomalies Unlimited. However, my personal favourite taking-the-mickey-out-of-Michael offering is this little video:

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