Month: March 2011

Do You Wanna … what?

I’m not a great fan of Glee I figure, which shouldn’t come as any great surprise since I’m probably 30 years too old to be in the show’s target audience range. So for that reason, I won’t offer any sort of critique of…

Don’t follow the advice I won’t give

Earthquake safety

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times)   I suppose it should come as no surprise that once again, that “triangle of life” email is doing the rounds following an earthquake. Every time there’s a sizeable quake…

The ultimate disappearing act

A magician worked on a cruise ship. The audience was different each week so the magician did the same tricks over and over again. There was only one problem: the captain’s parrot saw the shows each week and began to…

Net proves worth in quake coverage

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) The past week or so has been surreal but I can’t even begin to imagine just how bad it has been for those living through Christchurch’s devastating earthquake, dealing with…

Paying attention in church

A woman who is constantly embarrassed by her husband falling asleep in church goes to the priest to ask for help.  The priest says, “Look love, if he falls asleep again, poke him with this hat pin. I’ll nod to…