Month: October 2010

Moggy mantras

A link courtesy of my trusty sidekick, Seymour the Wonder Cat. He’s found a whole bunch of cat haiku. The mighty hunter Returns with gifts of plump birds Your foot just squashed one.

Getting there

I’ve managed to resurrect quite a lot of my blog, no thanks to the old site host. It almost looking like home here now! Unfortunately, I’ve lost all the comments that had been place on my various online ramblings. Sorry.

Things that make you dizzy

Here’s an interesting experiment in brain function (and let’s face it, I’m just happy my brain works at all some days). Check out the spinning dancer chick to find out which side of your brain is dominant. If clockwise, then…

Let’s take this seriously

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) While I absolutely adore the internet and would rather give up coffee again than go without my web fix, there are some things I’d happily change. I’m sure that by…

And still no contact …

Angry woman

I submitted a ticket with support at my old hosting company this morning to ask if they could tell me what their Time To Live was set at because my old, somewhat buggered site kept popping up when typing in my…

Things are looking a little different

All righty then, here we are in our new home. I’ve signed up with the lovely people at Webbase and so far, so good. Of course, because my existing blog had a total meltdown and I STILL haven’t received any…

Email scammers never give up

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times) That farmer bloke up north might have won $28.7 million in the Powerball draw last week but I’ve had an even more exciting week, with lots of lottery wins and…